Specialist in One to One and Small Group Private Tuition

Our Charges

Tuition is charged on an hourly basis, with a simple 1, 2, 3 pricing structure.

  1. 1. One to One tuition £40 per hour
  2. 2. Two to One tuition £20 per hour
  3. 3. Three to One tuition £15 per hour

(Prices are per student.)
Discounts are available on the prices above if you pay monthly in advance.
Sibling discounts are also available.

No Hidden Charges (all materials are included).

Ideally Two to One and Three to One tuition takes place with students from the same class or same year.
Hourly slots are available weekdays from 4.30pm through to 8.30pm and all day Saturday.

Registration fees are £30 per student.

To book or for further information please Call or Text on 07462 839 444


"Great tutoring with a truly personalised programme of tuition"

from Kavit (Kenton)

"I really enjoy my tuition and look forward to my class every week"

from Nikita (Stanmore)

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